yesterday for st. patty's day they were broadcasting from a bar and they had contests all day. now no matter how many times i have tried to enter those things, i could never get through. not yesterday though, yesterday i got through and talked to the amazing Craig Fee and although i didn't originally get the right answer he let me keep guessing until i did. i won tickets to 2 events and he let me plug my book on air, something i am grateful for. when i went to the station this morning, i handed them a signed bookplate thanking them and a book.
i am going to thank the station and Craig in book 2's ackowledgement page. it's a little thing but it meant a lot to me.
today he is playing such great music and although i love it, it's hard to write when you are dancing.
give to japan's situation please. i will never know or understand what they are going through, living in the middle of canada, but that doesn't mean i can't feel for them and help them out. i challenge anyone who has ever read a book to donate $25.00 to the canadian red cross. even a little helps if it comes from a lot of people. skip the smokes and help with food and water. :o)
peace xx