Saturday, September 3, 2011


book 3 should be up and running on kindle by sunday night sept. 03/2011. that will make it three books i put out this year onto kindle.

i have a huge stack of notes to start book 4 with and i should be attacking those sometime in october. i put books 2 and 3 out back to back and i think i need a break lol.

i am also hoping to get book 2 out onto paperback before the end of this year but if i don't, then it should be out by late winter, hopefully in jan or feb.

DAVEFM in kitchener is a constant support to me and my work and i love them dearly.

please go to my facebook page and 'like' it and also, i would love to have you join us on the VAMPIRES AND CHOCOLATE facebook group page. the people there are where i get the most inspired and who just may end up becoming a character in my series like some of them have.

bless you for your support

karinn martel xx

Sunday, August 7, 2011

BOOK 2 & 3

book two will be released in paperback this fall with book 3 following onto kindle. sales are doing okay in the UK and hopefully will pick up with each month.
they are also starting to make a move in the north american market.
the book cover for book 2 is being worked on now and i am getting models ready for the photo shoot for book 3.

lots of fun. i have also decided to expand the series to 13 books instead of the original 7 because of fan demand after only 2 book releases which is also exciting for me that they are being so well recieved.

hopefully good things will be in my future xx

Friday, March 18, 2011

why Dave FM rocks.

yesterday for st. patty's day they were broadcasting from a bar and they had contests all day. now no matter how many times i have tried to enter those things, i could never get through. not yesterday though, yesterday i got through and talked to the amazing Craig Fee and although i didn't originally get the right answer he let me keep guessing until i did. i won tickets to 2 events and he let me plug my book on air, something i am grateful for. when i went to the station this morning, i handed them a signed bookplate thanking them and a book.

i am going to thank the station and Craig in book 2's ackowledgement page. it's a little thing but it meant a lot to me.

today he is playing such great music and although i love it, it's hard to write when you are dancing.

give to japan's situation please. i will never know or understand what they are going through, living in the middle of canada, but that doesn't mean i can't feel for them and help them out. i challenge anyone who has ever read a book to donate $25.00 to the canadian red cross. even a little helps if it comes from a lot of people. skip the smokes and help with food and water. :o)

peace xx

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Book 2 of the series Vampires and Chocolate: Eisald and the Dark Twins is officially complete. Best cliffhanger ever :o)

Friday, February 11, 2011

7 latest book reviews

totally agree with u vamp lover... this book is amazing, i to was laughing out loud at some and then on the edge of my seat at others.. once u start reading this book u wont be able to put it down...huge congrats to the lovely karinn on her first vamp book and i cant wait for the book 2 to come out
twi-mum UK

Fantastic read...
As an adult who loves to read Vampire books i found this book fantastic!!!!
I found it very different from the normal vamp books these days, It is unusual but in a very good way! The storyline is brilliant and very gripping from the start. Having finished the book i am now eagerly awaiting the second in the series.
In my opinion its a must read for any Vampire lover!!!
Its a book that made me laugh in places and also had me very close to tears too.
A very well written book and one i shall definately read over and over again xx
Vamp lover UK

It was bloody fantastic!!!!...
That last chapter choked me up let me tell you. Can't wait for 2nd book now. Truly an amazing writer and anyone who hasn't gotten this yet you have to!!! It's brilliant. I purchased this book just because I love everything Vampire and I was not disappointed. It brings everything a book should and kept me gripped all the way through. It is somewhat different from the norm but has an amazing storyline and is very imaginative and original. A must read for all Vamp lovers!!!
P. Greenbatch UK

I loved this book and I can't wait for the second one in the series.
S.C. Canada

Finally a vampire story for WOMEN (not teen girls)...a book I can read while sipping champagne and not milkshakes.

Vampires for Valentine's...
Finally! I have nothing against the Twilight series, except for the fact that the age of the characters didn't really leave me anyone to lust after without feeling wrong. Martel had me identifying with Charlie, and wishing that someone would invite me to a Tupperware Vampire party. Can't wait for the next book. I think this would make an awesome Valentine's Day gift.
Jeannine Williams Canada

Arguably in the same league as Anne Rice. Not a book for teens about teens but a real vampire book about and for adults. About time. A much better role model than Bella in the Twilight sagas. This one actually saves herself and others instead of being a wimp who can't save herself. Can't wait for the next one in the series. Kudos to Miss Martel, she is a first time author that takes a whole new approach to the world of vampires. It's refreshing and unlike anything you have ever read before. No one could possibly get absorbed into the world of vampires lightly and Martel proves that with this book. She is the first one to get it right!
Pat Walker Canada

Thursday, February 10, 2011

My First Interview

this morning i had the pleasure of talking with Lisa Rutledge from the Cambridge Times about my book. seeing as this was my first official interview, i think it went rather nicely. she was charming and asked me questions i hadn't thought of before. she was genuinely interested in the book and it will be in tomorrows (friday) paper. i can't wait to see it.
i then emailed the general manager of the Chapters bookstore closest to us and told her about the article. hopefully she will be able to get the books in or a book signing for me.
even if it's too close to valentine's day, mother's day is right around the corner :o)

i hope all is well.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

finding an agent

i went to a site that has pretty much every agent in the world listed on it and thankfully it's listed from a-z.
i highlighted and copied each agent that is recommended and has made money for their client that is based in the U.S. and the U.K. (canada has 3 so in that, we suck)
i placed into one doc file, all of the names and from there, i searched out each name from a-d for a website and the ones that had website, i put into one doc their info along with what each one required for their submission guidelines. i now have 2 docs, one with agents who have websites and one for those without.
after a painstakingly long day of going through agents a through d, i sent out emails based on their guidelines and i also had to reput my entire book into a new doc as well. i had to because the only doc i had was the original, mistakes and all and i have to do it chapter by chapter fixing up all the mistakes.
it literally took me all day monday to correct the first three chapters plus email the agents listed from a-d.
the rest of the next three weeks will be the same.
fix up the chapters (2 a day), check the agents from e-z to see who has a website and email them. when that is all done, i then hit up the ones who don't have a website, and try to find any info on them to see what they require. every agent is different, or most are. this is what should be sent, a query letter, a synopsis, the first 3 pages to the first three chapters. it can be one or any combination so you are sending out something different to each agent. this is what takes so much time, plus you need to personalize each one so no cutting and pasting one entire thing to send. some prefer a doc attachment and some don't want any attachments.
if you mess any of this up, more than likely your submission will be deleted before anything is read.
after all of the alphabet is emailed (for agents with and without sites), then i go to a third list. the ones what only want things snail mailed. and again, i will have to sort out what each agent wants, print it up and put it together, but not by staples, and mail each one out.
this is why i haven't done it since last feb., and then i only sent things out, mostly by email and only to maybe 25-40 agents. this time around, it's going out to more, many more as i have expanded into the U.K. and more of the U.S.
i really hope this is worth it lol because i have spent more in the postal office so far, then my first royalty cheque :o)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

new month, new things to do

so a year ago, i had already written V&C: BKBT. i had done it in an unheard of (so i've been told) 44 hours. i revised in the next two weeks and 3 days before going to print i added a new beginning of chapter 1. i hunted out all (3) canadian agents. i hunted out some closer american agents. i got rejections, lots of them. i know that somewhere out there are desks my stuff is still sitting on because they get hundreds to read a day. i know that stephanie meyers twilight was on somebody's desk for 2 years before anyone read it.
i had gotten some interest but some wanted me to take out way too many words and i knew i couldn't work like that. my voice has to be written as is. i am still getting feedback on agents i contacted in feb last year.
so this month i have to devote, yet again, more time to hunt out agents, redo the ones i did last year (and some of those i contacted 3 or 4 times). time to expand more emails and snail mails in the states and the u.k. because they have tons of agents there. i know rejections are part of it and i expect them. i talked to one author and she said she had enough rejections to wallpaper a room but encouraged me to keep going. so i am. so far i reckon i have spent more on paper, ink, stamps, envelopes etc to send stuff out than i made on sales of the book.
this month i have to pound it into some heads that this story is something no one else has ever written before, a viewpoint no one has ever read.
i have to have faith that things will work out. i have to believe in me for a change and know that i deserve this because it's something that maybe, just maybe, i was born to do. i have to stop getting disgruntled when people tell you that they will buy your book and then don't. i have to stop taking things like that personally.
i have to learn that people are not against me, just not always honest with me. i have to not give up and let things happen as they may sometimes. i have to learn that everything happens for a reason and if it's meant to be, then i will succeed and if it isn't then i will continue to write the series until the end and give it to my grandchildren.
and above all, i have to learn patience. not everything can happen as fast as i wrote BKBT. maybe i should have taken a year to write it. i am taking it slower with the second book but i have already started the third and i have written the ending of the series. no patience. i am pretty sure that by the end of 2012 i will have the entire series written, all seven books.
patience? fuck patience :o)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


* If you would like to help spread the word about the book in your area, please contact the PR department on what you can do to help here:
* If you live in asia/philipines and would like to help, please contact our asian agent here:
* If you would like to talk to the author of the series, or have any questions about the books, please contact her here:

We are doing a promotional push on Vampires and Chocolate for Valentine's day. Help spread the word and let's get this book going in the stores.

The first book in the series, Blood Kisses, Blood Tears is already selling out on some online sites and is expected to be the next big thing in vampire novels.

Still not too late to get a first edition copy. As well, if you buy the book, you can get a signed post card/book plate from the author herself.

Be a part of the team and earn yourself an email account at

Saturday, January 22, 2011

good day...

here is the list of items to be won in the contest. please make sure you enter and if for some reason, it won't go through then be sure to send it via the address here:

1st prize: the 2 antique crystal goblets and antique silver tray featured on the book cover plus an autographed poster, bookmark and postcard of the book cover PLUS an autographed first edition from each of the seven books in the series (as they are released) and a phone call from me congratulating you on your win.
2nd prize: two goblets from the set featured on the cover plus an autographed poster, postcard and bookmark of the book cover.
3rd. prize: two goblets from the set featured on the cover plus an autographed postcard and bookmark of the bookcover.
4th. prize: an autographed postcard and bookmarkof the book cover.
5th. prize: an autographed postcard of the book cover.

if i find enough people ask me to prolong the contest for whatever reasons then i may until april 1st only. stay tuned for that information.

Friday, January 21, 2011

from now on...

* i will be making any announcements, upates etc., on here only instead of facebook. i will let my friends know when i have posted a new blog so that everyone comes here instead.
* i am done the second book up to chapter 11 and then only a few more to go as there are 13 chapters in each book. i have also started the first chapter on book 3 plus written the ending of the series. gonna be epic lol.
* remember to enter the contest for some pretty cool prizes which will be posted this weekend.
* we have started a valentine's campaign called something along the line of 'give her vampires and chocolate this valentine's day'.
* also working on getting some book signings and interviews set up.
* and lastly, i want to introduce 2 new members of the V&C team. rumerita as my asian contact and jeannine as my promotor/publicist for the rest of the world. i can't wait to see what we can accomplish !!!