i went to a site that has pretty much every agent in the world listed on it and thankfully it's listed from a-z.
i highlighted and copied each agent that is recommended and has made money for their client that is based in the U.S. and the U.K. (canada has 3 so in that, we suck)
i placed into one doc file, all of the names and from there, i searched out each name from a-d for a website and the ones that had website, i put into one doc their info along with what each one required for their submission guidelines. i now have 2 docs, one with agents who have websites and one for those without.
after a painstakingly long day of going through agents a through d, i sent out emails based on their guidelines and i also had to reput my entire book into a new doc as well. i had to because the only doc i had was the original, mistakes and all and i have to do it chapter by chapter fixing up all the mistakes.
it literally took me all day monday to correct the first three chapters plus email the agents listed from a-d.
the rest of the next three weeks will be the same.
fix up the chapters (2 a day), check the agents from e-z to see who has a website and email them. when that is all done, i then hit up the ones who don't have a website, and try to find any info on them to see what they require. every agent is different, or most are. this is what should be sent, a query letter, a synopsis, the first 3 pages to the first three chapters. it can be one or any combination so you are sending out something different to each agent. this is what takes so much time, plus you need to personalize each one so no cutting and pasting one entire thing to send. some prefer a doc attachment and some don't want any attachments.
if you mess any of this up, more than likely your submission will be deleted before anything is read.
after all of the alphabet is emailed (for agents with and without sites), then i go to a third list. the ones what only want things snail mailed. and again, i will have to sort out what each agent wants, print it up and put it together, but not by staples, and mail each one out.
this is why i haven't done it since last feb., and then i only sent things out, mostly by email and only to maybe 25-40 agents. this time around, it's going out to more, many more as i have expanded into the U.K. and more of the U.S.
i really hope this is worth it lol because i have spent more in the postal office so far, then my first royalty cheque :o)
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